Captain Overman

Captain Overman

Assistant Professor of Military Science, Detachment Training Officer, S3
Army ROTC Department
Memorial Hall, Room 137

CPT Justin J. Overman hails from Dayton, Ohio. He earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice and a Masters of Arts in Applied Behavioral Science from Wright State University where he commissioned into the Active Army in the Military Police (MP) Corps. After commissioning, CPT Overman attended MP Basic Officer Leaders Course (BOLC) at Fort Leaonard Wood (FLW), MO. Upon graduation, CPT Overman was assigned to the 526th MP Company (Detention) out in Fort Leavenworth, KS. He was responsible for the training, health and welfare of 45 Soldiers and NCOs. After successful completion of his duties as a Platoon Leader, CPT Overman was then assigned as the Executive Officer of the same company where he managed the systems and processes of the unit to include Command Supply Discipline, Command Maintenance Discipline, and Command Deployments Discipline Programs. Several months later, CPT Overman was selected to serve as the 15th MP Brigade’s Headquarters and Headquarters’ Detachment (HHD) Commander/ Assistant S-3 where he managed the training readiness, operations, and brigade priorities while simultaneously managing the health and welfare of his Soldiers and leaders. CPT Overman then attended MP Captains Career Course in FLW, MO where he later graduated and was assigned to the 93D Military Police Battalion in Fort Bliss, TX. There, CPT Overman served as the Law and Order Operations Officer, Battalion Training Officer, Plans Officer, managing and creating programs that enhanced the battalion’s sphere of influence on law and order capabilities and its combat support mission. CPT Overman was then assigned as the 212th MP Company Commander, responsible for the readiness, health and welfare of 159 Soldiers, NCOs, and Officers assigned to his unit. He currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Military Science at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte where he performs duties within the Operations cell as a professional MP officer.

CPT Overman’s military awards and decorations include: The German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (Gold), the Norwegian Foot March Badge, Air Assault Badge, Army Superior Unit Award, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal (4 OLC), the Armed Forces Service Medal (1OLC), the Humanitarian Service medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal , and the Army Service Ribbon.

CPT Overman is married to his wife Faylee Overman and resides in Charlotte, NC.


2015 Bachelors of Arts in Criminal Justice, Wright State University

2017 Masters of Arts in Applied Behavioral Sciences, Wright State University

2017 Military Police Basic Officer Leader’s Course, Fort Leonard Wood, MO

2018 Air Assault School, Fort Cavazos, TX

2021 Military Police Captains Career Course, Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Previous Assignments:

  1. OCT 2017 – OCT 2018| Platoon Leader| 526th MP CO, 40th MP BN; Fort Leavenworth, KS
  2. OCT 2018 – OCT 2019| Executive Officer| | 526th MP CO, 40th MP BN; Fort Leavenworth, KS
  3. OCT 2019 – JAN 2021| HHD Commander, 15th MP BDE; Fort Leavenworth, KS
  4. JUN 2021 – DEC 2021| L&O Operations Officer| 93d MP BN; Fort Bliss, TX
  5. DEC 2021 – SEP 2022| BN Training Officer| 93d MP BN; Fort Bliss, TX
  6. SEP 2022 – MAY 2023| BN Plans Officer| 93d MP BN; Fort Bliss, TX
  7. MAY 2023 – SEP 2024| 212th MP CO Commander; Fort Bliss, TX